CORE Social Emotional Learning (SEL) Survey
Greetings Colts,
Your teacher will ask you to complete a survey called The CORE Social Emotional Learning (SEL) Survey which evaluates social awareness and culture and climate. The survey has been setup for students in Illuminate. Please click on the link for Grades 6-12. After you click on the link, enter your Student ID, then follow the prompts to the survey. The access code should be automatically filled out when the link is opened; however, in case it is missing or gets deleted, the access code for the corresponding survey is provided below. The survey consists of 35 multiple choice questions and will take approximately 15 minutes to complete. Please let your teacher know if you have any questions.
More about the CORE SEL Survey
Student Survey Instruction
Note: Use your student ID to take the survey.
Code: K7H2K7Z
Take the Survey
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